- Idaho Department of Water Resources, "Serving the Citizens of Idaho Since 1895"
- Idaho Water Science Center. Service of the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
- Water Quality Division, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. "Assures that the state's surface, ground, and drinking water resources meet state water quality standards..."
- Natural Resources Conservation Service." Department of Agriculture. Provides "leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.
- Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, University of Idaho
- Graduate classes in hydrogeology and related topics for civil engineering. Boise State University, Civil Engineering Dept.
- Hydrologic Science Graduate Program. "Designed to meet the educational requirements for certification by the American Institute of Hydrology.
- The Snake River Alliance, "Idaho's Nuclear Watchdog and Clean Energy Advocate"
- Idaho Water Users Association. Purpose is to "promote, aid, and assist in the development, control, conservation, preservation, and utilization of the water resources for the State of Idaho." Established 1938.
- United Water Idaho. Supplier of "safe, high quality drinking water" from surface sources and ground water.
- Idaho Rural Water Association. "a non-profit organization that provides training and technical assistance to water and wastewater communities and systems throughout Idaho."
- Idaho Ground Water Association. "[A]ssists, promotes, encourages, and supports the interests and welfare of the ground water industry within the State of Idaho."
- The Coalition for Idaho Water. Membership of "more than 50 groups, representing Idaho irrigation, agricultural, and business interests and Idaho cities and counties. The Coalition is united in its determination to safeguard the sovereignty of Idaho's water."
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